Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Searching By Subject...a Great New Way

So you have a research paper due tomorrow and you have no idea where to start to search for your topic.

Try our new new search boxes by subject that allow you to search several subject databases at once.

1st: From the Library Homepage

Click on Databases by Subject

2nd: Find the subject of your choice and click on that link.

3rd: Type in your search term in the search box (pictured below)being specific as possible and using " " quotes to make your term a phrase

Now wait for the book to finish turning to give search results.

Follow the links to the article(s) desired.

Happy searching
In a category.

How do you file your information? Something to think about.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Getting out of the Noise

I always struggle with students on cell phones in the library. The library today should be more accommodating I think to myself. We now allow food and drink (within reason); we have group study rooms, collaboration at the computers is a growing trend, so why not cell phones.

Then I think of that one student in the back of the library. He's come here to get away from the noisy kids, or the distracting gaming roommate.

The library to that student is the one quiet place to come to study for that big test that will make or break his grade.

That student needs to not overhear what's for dinner, that student needs to not overhear what happened last weekend.

That student needs a sanctuary! This is why I tell people to silence their cell phone calls.

Is the library louder than it was 5 years ago. Yes, the very nature of libraries is changing and the need for collaboration has grown, so it is already a little too noisy for some and that is unfortunate.

However, each student who uses the library can and should control their cell phone conversations for the need of that student how came here to get out of the noise.
