Monday, June 23, 2008

A shifting we will go....

Do you have a home improvement project on your agenda this summer? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

The OSU-Tulsa library has a very large improvement project starting the week of June 23rd. A book shift!

What's a book shift?

The entire circulation collection will be moved a few rows back to make room for areas in the collection that are tight. We are moving books to make room for--MORE books!

This is a huge task that the circulation crew is tackling this summer, so thanks to them for working hard at this (also it might be a little noisy in the back of the library).

And if you are used to going straight to your favorite book section...look may have moved.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Get your OKEY to get your Education to the next level!

The all important OKEY Account!

What is it? Your Key to the virtual world of OSU-Tulsa!

Want computer access on campus or off campus? You need an OKEY

Want to check on your bursar's account, enrollment, grades? You need an OKEY

Want to get into your Online Classroom? You need an OKEY

How to get it?

If you are a new student and have never been to OSU-Tulsa before the OKEY account is an e-mail address and a password that you will use to access absolutely everything at OSU-Tulsa (especially the library)

Obtaining an OKEY account takes about 10 minutes and can be done anywhere you have internet access. Just follow the link to the OKEY starting page and choose either new users or current users.

Returning students have to reset the password to their OKEY every 120 days by clicking the "forgot your password" area....even if you haven't forgotten but need to reset this is your link!

Need help? Computing at 918-594-8043 or the Library 918-594-8130....